Monday, August 9, 2010

Fifth Shoot

The 5Th shoot was with the same photographer I shot with previously, from Fantasy on Film.

I wore a cream knee length trench coat from the Salvation Army. Which when your looking for last minute items, or clothing that your only using for one shoot, and don't want to pay an arm and a leg for; thrift shops are always a great place to start. I also borrowed my sister's Louis Vuitton black clutch style purse, and bought additional accessories from Meijer's, as well as a fitted black stretch pencil skirt, with a white lace tank, and a pair of zebra high heels to complete the black and white business attire. My goal was to emulate a similar look that Jennifer Aniston's character (Lucinda) had portrayed in the film Derailed.

Trench coat $7.00, Pencil Skirt $14.99, Earrings, $3.00, Necklace $7.99, sunglasses $15.00, Purse was borrowed (Retail value $1,300.00). Zebra high heels, tank, bracelet were all from my personal collection.

The shoot was originally supposed to take place on a people mover, however being in Detroit, there is always an event going on, and last Sunday was no exception. There happened to be a Tiger's Game going on that morning. So the photographer, and I opted to make due, and capture the city of Detroit beauty. We photographer near the river, parks, and alleys.

I always had an appreciation for Graffiti, as strange as it sounds. As I have previously confessed I have a huge appreciation for art in general, and love all mediums and methods of it. I love writing, painting, welding, drawing, photography, ceramics, pottery, and fashion. However they don't teach a person how to use a spray can in school. That's self taught, I find the usage of colors and penmanship to be quite impressive. Grant it by no means do I condone vandalism, however for what its worth I still can appreciate an artist's skills.

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