Thursday, July 29, 2010

Third Shoot

My third shoot, was with the same photographer who I did the Somewhere In Time Shoot with. Dennis asked me if I wanted to do the nude shoot, I said; "Sure, you already pretty much saw me nude anyways. But if we are going to do this, we are going to do this my way." And that's just what we did. It was my idea to go down the bondage/ edgy route, because I was channeling my alter ego, and decided I will be more confident if I am in charge vs. the vulnerability I felt with the previous shoot. We used a private studio in Royal Oak, that was fully equip, with lighting, and back drops. I loved a lot of the photos he took, however I also edited some myself, consider this photographer really doesn't use photo shop. I tinted colors to enhance the dramatic photo with the gun. I made some black and white, and added contrast. I cropped a couple photos, to keep it some at a PG rating, however I kept the black and white self portrait profile, un-croped. Although it shows nudity, I felt it resembled me the best. Completely restrained by my own boundaries that I set. This shoot allowed me to let lose, and feel like a real model; ready for my next shoot. It was this shoot that I felt prepared me the most for what to expect when it comes to modeling.

Photographs Taken By: Dennis Camerawork & Co.

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